The Mind-Skin Connection: Tapping into Your Subconscious

The Mind-Skin Connection: Tapping into Your Subconscious

In our waking state, we often feel like we're totally in control of our decisions. Yet, how in control are we really?

A good analogy is that of an iceberg - the tip, our conscious mind, is where we think, feel, and make decisions. But beneath the surface lies the vast and powerful subconscious mind, which influences our beliefs, subsequent behaviours, and overall health.

Think of everything you don't have to think consciously about to keep your body functioning, such as your breath, heart rate and digestion. Your autonomic nervous system handles all these. If you want to get spiritual, you can also say by the divine force that manifested the universe, but that's another conversation rounded out with a mantra.

The subconscious stores our memories, beliefs, and habits, shaping how we perceive and react to the world. It's the default program running the show. This program is installed in early life and created by our environment, parents, and culture. In fact, the program can be intergenerational! A great book, It Didn't Start with You (1), highlights how even the lives and trauma of our great-grandparents can express themselves in our DNA. Some incredible stories, such as:

- A woman with claustrophobia—unable to ride in a plane or elevator—made the connection to her father's parents who perished in a gas chamber.

- Another woman with a paralysing fear that her child would die discovered that her grandparents lost two children before they immigrated to the United States.

While some parts of your program are beneficial, others might no longer serve you, particularly if you notice ongoing patterns preventing you from living the life you want.

The good news is that you can become aware of these beliefs and replace them with more beneficial ones.

In terms of our health, many unconscious beliefs shape how our body responds. We all have heard people say in winter, 'I always get sick this time of year'. Now imagine this as a core belief and what this belief is signalling to your biology. As soon as you feel even just a little off, your mind will instantly say, 'Oh no, I'm sick'. Now imagine replacing this patterned belief with an empowering new belief such as, 'I never get sick'? How does this belief change your neurochemistry and subsequent biology? Well thanks to groundbreaking researcher we now know. Renowned cellular biologist Bruce Lipton emphasises the subconscious mind's impact on physical health. Our cells receive signals from our thoughts and beliefs, which the subconscious interprets to promote health or contribute to illness.

A study found that people with positive beliefs about their health experienced better outcomes, even in challenging situations.

In his book You Are the Placebo, neuroscientist Joe Dispenza explores how changing our thoughts and beliefs can reprogram our subconscious mind and improve our health. There are stories of people who have overcome all forms of dire chronic illnesses through the power of their minds.

Further studies by leading universities show a close to 40% increase in healing outcomes from visualisation alone. (2)

When it comes to healing your skin, there are many modalities you can implement, from the Silver Method (3) to mindfulness and meditation.

Perhaps the most impactful change we can make to instil new positive beliefs is to pay attention to all those (seemingly) small daily choices, from what we eat and drink to being completely present with someone when they're speaking with us. Discovering and observing beliefs that prevent us from expressing our full potential emerge as we deepen our awareness of these small daily habits.

With new awareness the greater our power for change.

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